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We need to find dedicated funds, or work with cities to find innovative funding methods to make certain our communities are safe. We suffer when we have underfunded fire, life and safety services. I live in rural Lane County which does not have the benefit of dedicated city police or fire services. We must rely of the Sheriff’s office and volunteer fire departments should we need their protection and assistance. Many other places in my district also rely on part time or volunteer public safety services. Both need more support from the County Commissioners to effectively serve our rural communities and protect our rural citizens. As Commissioner, I will work with our County emergency services to look for creative ways to compliment and add additional resources for their vital services, while also coordinating services better with larger cities like Eugene and Springfield.
We also need to look at how infrastructure plays a key part in public safety. Having proper street lights, traffic signs, pedestrian right-of-ways, and other safety measures dramatically reduce accidents and also works to reduce criminal activity in our neighborhoods. Improved access to internet can also increase safety monitoring and communications.
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